Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The song that inspired the name of our blog: Going up the Country

The Sun is Hotter in Australia

We are nearly done packing up the house and have just begun packing our bags. Andy has a new hat to protect him from the UV rays down under.

Greetings..... I would tip my hat but I haven't yet figured out how to post videos.

Crossing the hat Rubicon is quite symbolic for me. I don't like to wear hats. I gather I will need it though, and it will likely come in handy to beat back poisonous spiders crawling up my pant leg. Unfortunately, it is well ventilated on the sides to help with the heat, so it won't be useful for carrying water in the Outback.

We leave July 8. The Enterprise Record cancellation is set for July 1. That will be a real hat's off day to celebrate !